oktober, november, december 2024 - Dagcursus "Eerst bewegen, dan leren"

Publicaties en Artikelen INPP

Literatuurlijst van publicaties en artikelen INPP over de INPP methode van Sally Goddard Blythe en Peter Blythe.  Gepubliceerde artikelen en boeken van Peter Blythe. Boeken geschreven door Sally Goddard Blythe. Te verwachten publicaties. Andere gepubliceerde artikelen van Sally Goddard Blythe. Sommige van deze publicaties en artikelen INPP worden gebruikt in de INPP jaarcursus en de cursus Eerst bewegen, dan leren.

Hieronder vind u een lijst van diverse publicaties en artikelen INPP van de oprichters van het INPP instituut in Engeland:

Artikelen INPP gepubliceerd door Sally Goddard Blythe:

  • The Role of Reflexes in the Development of the Visual System
    The Journal of Behavioural Optometry Vol. 6/1995/No 2
  • Screening for Neurological Dysfunction in the Specific Learning Difficulty Child”
    (Goddard SA and Hyland D). The British Journal of Occupational Therapy.61/10. 1998“
  • Neurological Dysfunction in Children with Specific Learning Difficulties”
    Irish Learning Support Association Journal. 2003.
  • Neurological dysfunction as a significant factor in children diagnosed with dyslexia.
    Proceedings of The5th International British Dyslexia Association Conference. University of York. April 2001.
  • Releasing educational potential through movement.
    A summary of individual studies carried out using the INPP Test Battery and Developmental Exercise Programme for use in Schools with Children with Special Needs. Child Care in Practice.11/4:415.432. 2005.
  • Guide to the physical milestones during child development, and developmental delay
    what to expect during development, and developmental problems to keep an eye on. (2010)
  • Neuromotor maturity as an indicator of developmental readiness for education.
    Report on the use of a neuromotor test battery and developmental movement programme in schools in Northumberland and Berkshire. In: Movement, Vision, Hearing – The Basis of Learning. Kulesza EM (Ed). 2011. Wydawnictwo Akakemii Pegagogiki Specjalnej im.Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Warsaw.
  • Correcting Clinical Facts.
    Abnormal Primitive Reflexes in Behavioural Optometry and Vision Therapy. (Blythe P, and Goddard Blythe SA).Journal of Behavioral Optometry. December 2012.
  • The importance of movement in early development.
    Physical Literacy Bulletin. 2014 Article for “Adoption UK”
  • Unpublished report:  Implications of Delay in Placing Children for Adoption. The Effects of Immature Neuromotor Skills on Educational Performance and Behaviour – Assessment and Intervention. Report prepared for meeting with the Minister for Children and Families. 6th December 2011 by Sally Goddard Blythe MSc.; Contributor, Dr Renee Marks.

Andere publicaties door Sally Goddard Blythe:

  • “Baby‘s First Playground”
    You and Your Baby magazine 1998 Cited in: “Primary children denied basic learning skills”
    Article by Lucien Jenkins. Music Teacher. April 1998.
  • “Music Matters”
    Music Teacher. September 1998
  • “Why Movement Matters to Your Child”
    Natural Parent. January 1999 Cited in: “A delicate balancing act” Clumsy children can be helped over time.
    Article by Celestria Noel. The Times. 3.7. 99
  • “First Steps to the Most Important A,B,C”
    Times Education Supplement. January 2000.
  • “Why our children roll and tumble”
    First Steps magazine (Australia). Issue 13.
  • “In Praise of Song and Dance”
    Times Education Supplement
  • “Mind and Body”
    Nursery World. 15.6.00.
  • “Balancing act for better body control”
    Times Education Supplement 7.12.01.
  • “Table manners for a tubby nation”
    Times Education Supplement 9.03.01
  • “Early Learning in the Balance – Priming the first ABC”
    The British Journal of Learning Support, November 2000
  • “Attention, Balance and Coordination”
    (Sally Goddard Blythe)
    Special Children, January 2003 Cited in: “Back to Babyhood”
    Article by Stephanie Northern. Times Education Supplement. 11.6.04
  • “Playtime not optional”
    Times Education Supplement
  • “Reflections of brain-body functioning”
    Medical Veritas 2:562-566. December 2005
    Transcript of a radio interview with Sally Goddard Blythe for Autismone Radio
    Medical Veritas, December 2005 Cited in: A Circular Road to Recovery Daily Telegraph, 28.7. 2005
  • “The Importance of Sounding Out for Hearing Within”
    Special Needs Coordinators File, May 2005
  • “Motor Skills Drive Success”
    Times Educational Supplement, April 2005
  • “Dissecting Factors in Autistic Spectrum Disorders”
    Medical Veritas. Volume 3/2006. 786-795.
  • “Releasing Intelligence through Movement”
    Special Needs Coordinators File, January 2005
  • “Cerebellar Theory Should Not be Discounted in Response to Aggressive Marketing Strategy.”
    Dyslexia Online Journal
  • “Lost in Education – Identifying and Help for the Under-Achieving Child”
    February 2005
  • “Sports Day – Fun for All?”
    Times Education Supplement
  • “Music and Physical Education are Primary Needs”
    Montessori International Journal. July-September 2006.
  • “Children need play”
    Letter to The Independent 14.9.2006
  • Rough and tumble
    Letter to the Daily Mail September 2006
  • “Literacy born out of physical education”
    Times Education Supplement.7.9.07.
  • “What babies need”
    First Steps magazine (Australia). Issue 59. 2008
  • “To be literate, children must be fit”
    Letter to The Times 25.7.2008
  • “Impact of the electronic media”
    (Extract from “What babies and children really need”)
    Montessori International Journal Summer 2008
  • “Observing and identifying physical readiness for learning”
    Montessori International Journal Winter 2008
  • Analysis: Motor skills put to the test.
    Nursery World. 3rd March 2010.
  • Fairy Tales ARE better for children than modern books, expert claims.
    Daily Mail 14th March 2011
  • Understanding How Babies’ Brains Work
    Nursery World. 20th September – 3rd October 2011
  • Therapy in motion.
    Autism Eye.
    Issue 8. 2012. Cited in: “Doctors ‘should check five year-olds to see if they can cope with school’” By Graeme Paton Daily Telegraph 23rd April 2012
  • Lullabies, Nursery Rhymes, Mirror Neurons and Fairy Tales.
    First Steps (Australia). Issue 75.
  • Move On.
    Children at two are not “ready” for reading. Nursery World. 10th March 2013.
  • Mothers who stay at home feel bullied by government policy.
    Letter to the Daily Telegraph. 29th March 2013.
  • First Love.
    The economic incentives offered to encourage mothers to return to work ignore the parent’s crucial role in the early years. Nursery World. 8th April 2013.
  • Regular contributions to “Ask the Expert” Q and A.
    Montessori International.
  • This formerly restricted publication is now available as “Assessing NMR for Learning” published by Wiley-Blackwell.

Gepubliceerde artikelen en boeken door Peter Blythe:


  • Hypnotism. Its Power and Practice. (1971) London: Arthur Barker Limited.
  • Stress Disease. The Growing Plague.(1973) London: Arthru Barker Limited.
  • Drugless Medicine. (1974). London: Arthur Barker Limited.
  • An Organic Basis for Neuroses and Educational Difficulties. (Blythe P, McGlown DJ., 1979). Chester: Insight Publications.


  • Somatogenic neuroses and the effect upon health. (1974) Monograph. Chester, Institute of Psychosomatic Therapy.
  • Minimal brain dysfunction and the treatment of psychoneuroses. (1978) Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 22:4, 247-255.
  • Oculo-motor dysfunctions and the effect on functioning. (1987) Reflex Newsletter. Chester, INPP.
  • An analysis of the developmental history of 103 patients diagnosed with agoraphobia and/or panic disorder. The 2ndInternational Conference of Neuro-Developmental Delay. Stockholm. October. 1988.
  • MBD and OBD (Blythe P and McGlown DJ, 1981). Swedish Medical Journal. 78/1.45-48.
  • Agoraphobia – is it organic? (Blythe P,McGlown DJ, 1982). World Medicine. July. 1982. pp57-59.

Website voor meer informatie over de artikelen: INPP international